Newspaper Headline
1 Newspaper Headline
2 Newspaper office on fire
3 Garage on fire
4 Garage burnt out
5 A poor car owner finds his car ransacked
6 Broken windows
7 The police arrive
8 The police arrive
9 Broken glass
10 The following day, massive police presence
11 Traffic jam of water cannons
12 Massive police presence
13 Massive police presence
14 Massive police presence
15 Massive police presence
16 Riot vehicles
17 More cannons
18 More cannons
19 Newspaper Headline
20 Evian !!!
21 The March (source
22 The March (source
23 A petrol station looted by the mob (source
24 Confrontation on the way back form the protest march (source
25 Confrontation on the way back form the protest march (source
26 Confrontation on the way back form the protest march (source
27 Barricades (
28 Barricades (
29 Barricades (
30 Barricades (
31 Police through the barricades (
32 The Boba Fett clone wars !!! (
33 Marching down rue Adrien-Lachenal (
34 Adrien-Lachenal (
35 Herding the protesters at Rive (
36 Tear gas (
37 Rive (
38 Rive (
39 Rues Basses (
40 During the evening, rioting breaks out again
41 During the evening, rioting breaks out again
42 During the evening, rioting breaks out again
43 A small example of the damage
44 The following day, 1st June, protest march to WTO
45 The police confer
46 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
47 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
48 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
49 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
50 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
51 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
52 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
53 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
54 Police in place around the Pont du Mont-Blanc (
55 Chantepoulet (
56 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
57 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
58 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
59 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
60 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
61 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
62 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
63 Rubber bullets (
64 Rubber bullets (
65 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
66 Pont du Mont-Blanc(
67 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
68 Pont du Mont-Blanc (
69 Terminator (
of 69